Welcome to the Chrysalis Group

The Chrysalis Group consists of a number of organisations, both commercial and not for profit, working in the consultancy, training, specialist supported housing, investment, development, treatment and care sector. Chrysalis's expertise is recognised as leading the field, and as such has a tailored approach to scheme funding, investment, environment & support design, development, operational delivery and long-term management, all whilst meeting the groups charitable and commercial objectives, driving in and maintaining the highest levels of accountability, risk mitigation and the highest levels of prudent and transparent governance possible.

This allows us to set comprehensive targets and strategies throughout the Group with a clear focus on the discreet delivery of each organisations clear objectives and specialist services, and to drive deliberately each area towards growth and sustainability. We are able to deliver and protect our charitable objectives through our 'not for profit' structure, whilst creating separate investment opportunities through the commercial arms of the businesses. This ensures that risks are ring-fenced and opportunities are fully explored whilst we protect the governance, strength, reputation and viability of the entire Group.

The Group's service providers are designed to address numerous treatment, support and care demands such as learning disabilities, autism, offenders with support needs, acquired brain injury, addiction, domestic abuse, preventing and responding to homelessness, mental health and other complex support needs, through our specialist services often alongside our specialist purpose designed high quality, structured supported housing. We have been collectively providing these services for over 20 years and have vast experience of helping people who are vulnerable, who are underserved by mainstream provisions and who have challenging and complex life experiences. We provide safe, individually designed, structured accommodation to those who need access to appropriate support and/or treatment, in order to aid recovery and or increase independence.

We have a network of direct and indirect delivery partners across England & Wales including major Integrated Commissioning Boards (ICB) and commissioning bodies such as local authorities and NHS commissioners, specialist developers, investors alongside excellent specialist CQC registered care and support providers from across the U.K.

Chrysalis Supported Association logo

Registered Social Landlord, manages and acquires property under manangement to facilitate the provision of high quality purpose adapted supported accomodation, and related services.

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Development and Maintenance

Touchstone facilitates investment, working with Institutional & Private investment or utilising its own funds to develop and design specialist supported living and provides compliant reactive, intensive and emergency maintenance services.

Touchstone also develops and adapts existing and new properties to meet the specialist provisions of vulnerable adults and can cater for planned and long-term repairs and adaptations maintaining properties to the highest standard and complying with all necessary laws, regulations and planning standards. It also provides a full suite of property management and compliance services to other parties including local authorities, property portfolio managers and care providers.

Opoka logo

Supports Polish women and children escaping domestic abuse to recover from trauma and to find suitable homes and futures in order to become self-sufficient.

Compass Project logo

Supports individuals recovering from addiction to reintegrate with and into the community, through real life volunteering, training and work placements, permitted to work schemes and preparing people often on the margins of society to be ready to take up meaningful and gained employment often reducing the reliance they may have previously of had on welfare benefits.

Journey Care Services logo

Journey Care Services Ltd a CQC registered service was set up as a relaunch of our newly overhauled specialist addiction treatment day-care programme.

JCS will be the main provider of the addiction recovery programme developed by Colin Mackell who designed and built the programme as an addiction specialist over decades of personal and professional experience, this is delivered under licence alongside CSA Ltd who provides supervised structured supported housing, and the gradual integration of the practical longer term support delivered by The Compass Project CIC (2012).